Chapter 27

Boards, Commissions, and Committees of the Grand Lodge


The mandatory boards, commissions, and committees of the Grand Lodge are those required by law, and shall consist of the number of members provided by law whom the Grand Master shall nominate or appoint, and whose chairman he shall name except as otherwise provided. The Mandatory boards, commissions, and committees of the Grand Lodge shall be as follows: [3-1.4].

1. Boards:

A. The Board of General Purposes. [Chapter 28]

B. The Board of Custodians. [17-5.2; Chapter 29].

C. The Board of Publications. [34-20]

2. Commissions:

A. The Lodge Service Commission. [Chapter 31]

B. The Code Commission. [Chapter 33]

C. On Subordinate Lodge Special Activities Commission. [Chapter 32]

3. Committees:

A. On Masonic Jurisprudence. [34-1]

B. On Finance. [34-3]

C. On Appeals. [34-6].

D. On Charters and Dispensations of Lodges. [34-8]

E On Fraternal Correspondence. [34-11]

F. On Charity. [34-12]

G. On Credentials. [34-13]

H. On Necrology. [34-13]

I. On By-laws of Subordinate Lodges [34-15]

J. On Unfinished Business. [16-1.17; 34-16].

K. On Masonic and Eastern Star Home of North Carolina, Incorporated. [34-17]

L. On The Masonic Home for Children at Oxford. [34-18]

M. On Miscellaneous Masonic Ceremonies. [34-19]

N. On Permanent Building. [34-21]

O. On Masonic Education. [Chapter 30]

P. On Masonic Public Relations. [34-22]

Q. On Personnel [34-23] ( This section adopted, effective January 1, 2018 )


Special committees may be created by either the Grand Lodge or the Grand Master. Such special committees shall have only such powers as shall be conferred on them by either the Grand Lodge or the Grand Master when they are created.

They shall perform with due dispatch all duties assigned to them and report thereon to the Grand Lodge, or to the Grand Master as ordered.

Unless otherwise specified by the Grand Master or the Grand Lodge when creating the committee, each special committee shall consist of five members, appointed from time to time by the Grand Master to serve the Grand Lodge in its work and activities. Unless otherwise specified by the Grand Master or the Grand Lodge when creating the committee, the Grand Master shall name the chairman of each special committee. [11-11; 13-2.7; 13-2.20]


A brother to be eligible to serve on any board, commission, or committee of this Grand Lodge shall be and remain a member in good standing in a subordinate lodge of this Grand Lodge during his tenure. Failure to do so will create a vacancy. [3-2; 28-1; 31-1.1; 33-1; 34-1; 34-19; 35-1] (This regulation amended, effective January 1, 2021)

REG. 27-4 BOARDS OF DIRECTORS. Obsolete (This regulation amended, effective 1/1/2008


The Grand Master-elect shall promptly nominate all members of boards, commissions, and committees who must be confirmed by the Grand Lodge so that it can act thereon before the annual communication is closed except such nominations as may be provided for in Regulation 27-4, or otherwise provided for. [28-2.2; 34-6]


Within thirty days after the close of the communication at which he is elected, the Grand Master elect shall appoint those mandatory committees provided for in Regulation27-1 which do not require confirmation by the Grand Lodge. (This regulation amended, effective 4/29/2000)


Except as otherwise provided the following provisions shall govern all boards, commissions, and committees.

1. All term of the boards, commissions, and committees shall end and begin with the installation of the Grand Lodge Officers. (This section amended, effective 4/29/2000)

2. They shall assemble at such time and place, and submit their respective reports as the Grand Master may direct.

3. Their reports shall be made from day to day immediately after the grand officers have made their reports, at such other times as the Grand Master may call for them, and shall be in writing. [1-1.3; 2-6.7; 36-10.5]

4. Their actual and necessary expenses incurred in the performance of their duties, other than those expenses incurred while in attendance at the annual communication of the Grand Lodge shall be paid by the Grand Lodge, subject to approval by the Grand Master or his representative designated for that purpose.

5. No member of a board, commission, or committee shall receive compensation for his services as such member except as provided by law nor shall he receive expenses as such member, and in addition thereto, receive per diem and mileage in any other capacity for attendance at the Grand Lodge. [15-1.9; 21-4; 29-3]

6. A board, commission, committee shall not consider any matter until it has been offered in the Grand Lodge and duly referred to the committee except matters referred to the committee in recess of the Grand Lodge by the Grand Master or unless otherwise provided by law. [13-2.15; 27-3]

7. Any board, commission, or committee may meet during the recess of the Grand Lodge when authorized to do so by the Grand Master or by law.

8. Unless otherwise authorized by the Grand Master or by law, a board, commission, or committee consisting of more than two members shall act only by a majority of its members present at a proper meeting, and not by correspondence. [28-1; 28-6; 29-3; 34-1; 34-3]


The Grand Master, if present at the meeting, shall be ex-officio chairman of all boards, commissions, and committees consisting of more than one member, except the Committee on Finance, the Committee on Masonic Jurisprudence, a Trial Commission, and the Committee on Appeals.

In his absence the chairman previously named for the group shall serve and in the absence of both, a chairman pro tempore shall be selected by the members present to serve for that meeting only. [13-2.20; 27-4; Chapter 34]