Chapter 61

Committees of a Lodge


There shall be seven standing committees in each subordinate lodge as follows:

a Committee on Charity,

a Committee on Finance and Budget,

a Reference Committee,

a Committee on The Masonic Home for Children at Oxford,

a Committee on WhiteStone,

a Committee on Masonic Education, and

a Committee on DeMolay.


The Committee on Charity shall consist of the Master and Senior and Junior Wardens. The Master shall be the chairman.

1. The committee shall act in behalf of the lodge toward those entitled to its benevolence.

2. This committee shall have power at any time to draw on the Treasurer, through its chairman, without further action by the lodge the amount established in the by-laws of the lodge, to relieve the distress of a worthy brother or those dependent upon him. [44-7(Art.13:1)].

(This regulation amended, effective 1/1/2006)

3. It shall be the duty of a subordinate lodge to provide for all legitimate demands for charity, in fixing the amount of its annual dues.

4. A lodge shall not be liable for Masonic aid furnished by another lodge or a brother unless such aid is furnished at the request of such lodge. [85-5]

5. It shall be proper for a subordinate lodge when its own charity funds are inadequate to request assistance from the Committee on Charity of the Grand Lodge through the recommendation of the Grand Master. [34-12.1].


The Committee on Finance and Budget shall consist of three members of the lodge to be appointed by the Master on the day of his installation. A lodge may in its by-laws provide that the three members of this committee shall be elected to serve for staggered three year terms but in the absence of such by-laws the members shall be appointed and shall each serve one year. The Master shall name the Chairman of this committee. [44-7(Art.14)].

1. It shall be the duty of the Committee on Finance and Budget to examine the books, vouchers, and records of the trustees, Treasurer, and the Secretary and make a detailed report in writing at the first stated communication in February each year. The committee shall audit all bills, accounts, and claims that may be referred to it and report upon the same in writing to the lodge. [44-7(Art.14)].

2. This committee shall prepare a budget of the estimated income and expenditures of the lodge for the next fiscal year and submit the same to the lodge with their annual report. [Official Form 39].

3. The lodge shall consider the report of the committee, make such amendments as it may deem necessary or proper, and adopt the budget.


The Reference Committee shall consist of three discrete and judicious members who shall be appointed annually by the Master. To it shall be referred any matter of difference between members for the purpose of friendly and brotherly adjustment, for counsel and advice, and for warning if necessary. This committee is in no sense a trial committee, and it has no judicial or punitive powers, but it may recommend to the Master or to the lodge such course of action as it may deem proper in each case.


The Committee on the Masonic Home for Children at Oxford shall consist of not less than three members who shall be appointed annually by the Master. It shall present the needs of the Masonic Home for Children at Oxford to the members of the lodge from time to time and to solicit their support of such needs. (this regulation amended, effective 1/1/2013)


The Committee on the Masonic and Eastern Star Home of North Carolina, Incorporated, shall consist of not less than three members who shall be appointed annually by the Master. It shall investigate and report its recommendations to the lodge on all applications for admission to the home filed with the lodge. It shall present the needs of the home to the members of the lodge from time to time and to solicit their support of such needs.


The Committee on Masonic Education shall be appointed annually by the Master. The duties of this committee shall be as follows.

1. It shall have charge of and promote from time to time such programs on Masonic education as may be deemed advisable.

2. It shall promote in the lodge all programs of Masonic education for candidates, other than instruction in the ritual or catechism, which may be authorized from time to time by the Board of Custodians or the Grand Lodge. [29-6.5].

3. This committee shall consist of not less than five nor more than fifteen members.


The Committee on DeMolay shall consist of not less than three members who shall be appointed annually by the Master. It shall assist in the formation of DeMolay Chapters in their communities and to assist in the supervision of the said chapters. The committee shall report to the lodge from time to time as to the progress of the chapter and to present to the lodge the needs of the chapter and solicit the support of the lodge for the chapter.


In all cases where a committee is provided for by law, it shall consist of three members unless otherwise specified in the law, and if appointive it shall be named by the Master who shall also designate the chairman. [44-7(Art.22N)].


A lodge by resolution may provide for special committees for particular purposes, not in violation of THE CODE, to be set forth in such resolution together with the number of members constituting the committee. The lodge may name the members thereof, if it does not, the Master shall do so, and he shall name the chairman.


Unless otherwise provided the Master shall fill all vacancies on committees for the unexpired term.