Chapter 73

Advancement and Default


The ballot taken on a petitioner for the degrees shall be for him to become a Master Mason and a member of the lodge receiving his petition if elected except in the case of a subsequent objection or default. [65-5; 71-5; 71-6; 71-7].


If an Entered Apprentice or a Fellow Craft seeks advancement within six months after his initiation or passing, as the case may be, no formal application is necessary. He may present himself for advancement to the Master or at any communication of the lodge. If he is adjudged proficient, he should be advanced at a time convenient to the Master and himself.


In the event any Master Mason in good standing shall believe he has good reason to object to the initiation of an Entered Apprentice, including reasons of moral turpitude, he shall make written petition to the Grand Master prior to the scheduled initiation, stating his reasons, with a copy to the Master of the Lodge. Action on the same shall be entirely in the discretion of the Grand Master. (This regulation amended, effective 1/1/2009)


After a candidate has been initiated as an Entered Apprentice, an objection to his advancement to the degrees of Fellow Craft or Master Mason shall be only on charges of unmasonic conduct. [See also Regulation 71-7].

1. If charges are preferred against an Entered Apprentice or a Fellow Craft, his advancement shall thereby be stayed pending trial of such charges.

2. If a member of the lodge objects to the passing or raising of a candidate, he shall state in open lodge or in writing at any time before the degree is given that he objects to the passing or raising of the candidate, and that he intends to prefer charges.

3. The charges must be filed with the Secretary of the lodge within ten days after the date of the objection.

4. If the charges are not filed within ten days, then the candidate may be advanced as if no objection had been made.

5. If the charges are filed within ten days, they shall be forwarded to the Grand Secretary as provided for in the Trial Code. [91-3].

A. If on trial of the charges the brother is found not guilty, he may be advanced as though no charges had been preferred.

B. If the brother is found guilty and suspended or expelled, he may be advanced after reinstatement. Punishment by reprimand only shall not operate to stay advancement after the reprimand has been imposed. [74-5.9; 101-3].

C. In the event of trial as provided in this regulation, the provisions of Regulation 73-6 shall not begin to operate until the date of acquittal, or reinstatement, or reprimand, as the case may be. [73-7].


If an Entered Apprentice or a Fellow Craft fails to present himself prepared for advancement because of absence in any branch of the armed services of theUnited States he may present himself for advancement within six months after his discharge from such service.


If an Entered Apprentice or a Fellow Craft fails to present himself prepared for advancement within six months after initiation or passing, he must apply in writing to the lodge for advancement. In the event more than Two (2) years have passed since his Initiation or Passing, the application shall be forwarded to the Grand Secretary and referred to a Committee of Investigation whose report shall be filed before a ballot can be had thereon. The Grand Secretary shall order a criminal background check of the applicant, and information with respect to the petitioner as he may possess. (This section amended, effective January 1, 2018 )

1. His application shall be presented at a stated communication.

2. Obsolete (This section amended, effective January 1, 2004 )

3. A majority vote shall be required on the application to elect for advancement. (This section amended, effective 1/1/2004 )

4. Rejection shall not bar a renewal of the application after three months from the date of rejection.

A. A candidate who has been denied advancement upon his application therefor shall not be in good standing, nor shall he be instructed in the work or visit a lodge until he has been elected for advancement on a subsequent application. [42-13; 45-3.4.D; 50-2; 59-2.12; 68-1; 73-4.2; 73-4.5.C; 73-5; 73-7; 73-8; 87-7; 101-3; Official Form 22].

B. An application for advancement cannot be withdrawn or returned, but it must go to the ballot.

5. An applicant for advancement shall have the same moral qualifications as a petitioner for the degrees. [66-1.1; 66-1.4; 66-1.11; 66-1.12].


A candidate shall not be in default if he presents himself for initiation or for advancement after being initiated or passed but is prevented from receiving the degree by the objection of a member, by charges preferred against him, by the action of the Master, or the inability of the lodge to confer the degree on him. [49-10.1; 71-7; 73-4.5.C].


A candidate who has been examined for advancement and found to be proficient, but who is not advanced for any reason within one year after that examination, is not in default but he cannot be advanced until he again shows proficiency by examination in open lodge as required in the first instance. No application or ballot shall be required in such a case, and he shall be entitled to the privileges of the highest degree he has attained. [72-2; 73-6].

(This section amended, effective 1/1/2004 )


No lodge as a courtesy for another lodge should confer a degree on a candidate who would not be admitted to membership in the lodge which is doing the work, nor on a candidate which it has reason to believe is unworthy to be advanced or raised. Any objection shall be in the manner provided in Reg. 73-4(This regulation amended, effective 1/1/2004 )