Historical List of Lodges

Masonic lodges have reputedly existed in North Carolina since the 1730s. All known lodges have been put into this table to better document Freemasonry's existence across North Carolina.

Historic Table of Lodges affiliated with the Grand Lodge of A.F. & A.M. of North Carolina v2024.06.13

Up until 1790, North Carolina extended west to the Mississippi River. That year, the state gave its western lands to the federal government which became the Southwest Territory. It 1796, it became Tennessee. North Carolina's masonic jurisdiction, however, did not follow suit and divide until 1813, when the Grand Lodge of Tennessee was granted a charter by the Grand Lodge of North Carolina. By 1813, NC had chartered 9 lodges in the area that became Tennessee. Their NC numbers were retired and they gained TN numbers 1 through 9. Have corrections, info, or photos to add to the map? Email info@glnc.us