Secretary's Calendar


  1. Certificates of Election posted to database
  2. Grand Lodge fees due
  3. Final events posted on members' record by January 15


  1. Grand Lodge fees due
  2. Lodge's annual budget and audit
  3. Recieve awards from Grand Lodge
  4. Lodge Financial Reports (formerly called Schedule 14)


  1. Per Capita check is due March 1
  2. Financial Reports due March 1
  3. Lodge's annual budget
  4. Receive awards from Grand Lodge
  5. Dues notices go out to members


  1. Dues notices go out to members


  1. Make hotel reservations for Annual Communication
  2. Send final notice of exclusion (third quarter)
  3. Discuss amendments to The Code


  1. Send final notice of exclusion (third quarter)
  2. Annual Communication (4th Friday of September)


  1. Submit the electronic online Form 24 (Secretary's Report on Deliquent Members)
  2. Post next year's dues in database
  3. Exclusions (4th quarter only, at a stated communication)


  1. Election of officers (if bylaws state November)
  2. Send dues notices
  3. Exclusions (4th quarter only, at a stated communication)


  1. Election of officers (if bylaws state December)
  2. Final chance exclusions (4th quarter only, at a stated communication)
  3. Close financial period