William R. Davie Academy

The William R. Davie Leadership Academy is a practical education on lodge management and leadership, with classes on Masonic history, traditions, and structure. Offered in your region, targeted to your needs and delivered by expert instructors.

To expand the scope of training for North Carolina’s emerging Masonic leaders, the Grand Lodge Committee on Masonic Education developed the William R. Davie Leadership Academy. Named for the revolutionary war hero, diplomat, N.C. governor and grand master whose enlightened leadership placed our fraternity on a strong foundation in its early years, the Davie Academy delivers training that’s targeted to the needs of brethren at various stages of their Masonic development.

It offers to a broader range of members an opportunity to explore the Craft and improve themselves as Masonic leaders. Sessions are held online, and instructors are experienced Masonic leaders specially trained to deliver coursework for maximum impact and efficiency.

The Davie Academy’s goals:

  • Making Masonic education inclusive, accessible and affordable;
  • Providing high quality and relevant education in Masonic leadership, management and traditions; and
  • Preparing you for leadership and at the lodge, district and state levels.

It does not replace Wilkerson College, an intensive leadership training program taking place over three weekends in Greensboro, Oxford, and Raleigh.

For more information, email the Grand Lodge Committee on Masonic Education at learn@glnc.us.